Creative co-working space
We offer flexible and permanent dedicated jewellery making space for students and designers.
Join our growing HJI Community, meet like-minded creatives, and discover all the tools needed to create your own jewellery collections.

“I love the people! The opportunity to learn, the chance to grow your brand name, and the pure joy of working on what you love in a great space.”
Flexible bench rentals for student
Flexible Bench Rental - Day Pass
Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm only
(Closed on Public Holidays)
Bench Rental | 1 Day Pass $400
Bench Rental | 5 Days Pass (Valid for 3 months) $2,000
Bench Rental | 10 Days Pass (Valid for 3 months) $3,800
Flexible Bench Rental - Night Pass
Tuesday & Thursday Evening 6:30 - 9:00pm only
(Closed when evening class is not available)
Bench Rental | 1 Nights Pass $200
Bench Rental | 5 Nights Pass (Valid for 3 months) $1,000
Bench Rental | 10 Nights Pass (Valid for 3 months) $1,800
Includes: Basic hand tools, such as hammer, saw frame, polishing machines such as tumbler and ultrasonic .
Excludes: all metals, saw blades, emery paper, flux, solder, gas and wax.
Bench Rental with Contract:
*Access to studio: Monday to Sunday 10am – 6pm
Bench Rental | 1 Months Contract $3,900 per month
Bench Rental | 3 Months Contract $3,600 per month
Bench Rental | 6 Months Contract $3,400 per month
Bench Rental | 12 Months Contract $3,200 per month
Includes: One dedicated bench. Basic hand tools, such as hammer, polishing machines such as tumbler and ultrasonic .
Excludes: all metals, saw blades, emery paper, flux, solder, gas and wax. Require to set up your own bench with own tools.